Monday, March 30, 2009

Race to Quit

I haven't grand-standed a cause here because it's not the right place for it. I want this blog to be about our daily walk toward our dream and about how God is intervening and guiding us to His will.
Today, for some reason, it occurred to me to make a plug for a friend and co-worker who IS championing a cause that he deeply believes in and is willing to throw all his cards on the table to try to send a message and make a change in the world.
I direct you to with the understanding that I fully embrace this project and believe in their mission goals.

I, for one, have seen too many people that I was very close to die unnecessary and grotesque deaths due to lung cancer and the complications of smoking.
Statstics may be just numbers on a chart or website, but when you walk in to a hospital room and barely recognize the person you knew, or when the spot on the adjacent shift is empty now because it was 5 weeks between diagnosis and death it drives it home hard for me.

Check them out, and if there's any way you'd consider it ... please quit if you smoke ... Please. For all of us.

Thank you.

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