Countdown: 8 days until we sail 1450 miles from BVI to the Chesapeake Bay area.
We're planning an uneventful trip, but you know what they say about sailing and plans ... Preparations are underway, and it is with a lot of mixed emotions that we prepare for this trip. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the BVI. The people make it special here. While I have some (appropriate, I hope) trepidation about the crossing, I know and trust that the boat can do it and that we will work through whatever pops up along the way. After all, how bad can 8 days in the Atlantic really be??? (ummm, yeah, I know ... :)
We are right in the middle of cleaning, stowing, oil-changing, impeller swapping, fixing those last few projects that inevitably got put off in favor of one more pirate party, Jumbies dancing, hiking/snorkeling/touring day or just a sit-and-soak-it-all-in afternoon. No worries; there were a ton of unfinished projects when we came here, but we came anyway. If we waited until everything was perfect, we'd've never cast off.
Still have laundry, paperwork and things like mounting the life raft, running the jack-lines and inspecting all the life jackets to make sure they are in good shape. It's going to be a long week ahead, then we can relax into the rhythm of swells and watch rotations and just point her toward the northwest for a few days before we really even have to think about actually navigating.

Happy to be coming back to the States? Yep, we have some serious catching up to do with friends and family and a few projects on land too ( got to sell our first boat still.
I'm anxious to get going, and sad to be leaving this wonderful place.
It's quite a mixed bag of feelings, but that's OK because we have a ketch and it's understood that we are bi-polar (groan...sorry).
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